Offer to pass out flyers for another person. This is easy to do where you live. This is a task that will gain lots of attention from possible local clients. Find out about your clients as they learn new things about you. While you are working on this one job, you can turn it into something that will last a long time. For another five dollars, you could also create the flyer as well. You could try to get their web business or help out at trade shows with the fliers. All you really need is to get in the door. You can take things to a different level later. You can offer to make audio files of you reading a testimonial for someone's site or product or an article out loud. Audio files have become highly popular, especially when it comes to the internet marketing world. Sales pages use them quite often as well as websites to add a different dimension. If you have all your audio recording equipment set up, then it shouldn't take you more than a few minutes to record an article or a testimonial. When you do this you open the door to be hired for lengthier audio files that can pay lots more money. You can offer to help people make more money by turning their ebook into an audio book and their sales letter into an audio file.
Converting documents is a good thing to offer. It's not that hard to do with the free/open source software that converts file from one kind to another. You can set the program up to convert the file and then go do something else while it does its magic. It usually only takes a moment or two to turn something from a word document into a PDF or an mp4 to an avi. The only real caveat we must warn you about is that downloading someone else's files is not risk-free. At the same time it isn't hard work, your clients save time and you earn money that you may not have otherwise earned.
Offer to start a Facebook or Twitter account for people who are computer challenged. There are many companies that want to begin utilizing social media. But, they need a little advice on how to get started. You are already trained on how to do a lot of these popular tasks. You realize that these are quick tasks. Do these things for other people, for a price. Set up 10 or so a day. Then provide a few suggestions on ways to make social media work. They will like that you are giving this info at no charge. You could possibly get some future social media projects as a result of this.
There are countless opportunities to earn a little extra money at Maximize your investment of time and attention by sticking to niche related services. Don't try to force this into a full time job or rely on making living wages from doing this though.
About the Author:
Wilson Resturbee is a rising star in the blogging world who writes articles on affiliate marketing, advertising and MLM.His passion for blogging draws readers all over the world. Checkout his articles on MLM Leads and on Zeek Rewards